Friday, May 2, 2008


I have just stumbled across a goldmine of unintentional comedy, courtesy of the former mayor of my hometown. Gary Kohlenberg was at one time the mayor of Oconomowoc, WI, and I guess he recently ran for alderman. Check out these hilarious videos he produced. If you go to his Youtube profile, he actually has posted 17 videos.

I love how he suddenly appears at the beginning of the next video:

I can't even find the words for this last one:


Anonymous said...

Well shit, I think I'm gonna vote for him, especially because he can see beyond the Mutt Mit. He raises a good point about resume stuffing...whose resume is going to list "accidental explosive demolition of a church", or "Apprehended Sword Wielding Good Samaratin"?

Ardent Moss said...

Unfortunately the election has passed:

According to the above story, Gary K lost by 6 votes and then demanded a recount (I couldn’t find any update after that, so I’m assuming he still lost). He lost to a 14-year incumbent, Lora Mae Cochrane, 289 votes to 283.

The story also says that on election day, Gary K was standing 100 feet away from the polling place, in a last-ditch effort to garner more votes.

No word yet on how Alderwoman Cochrane will address the pothole situation.

Anonymous said...

I say, walk your dog around your own property until he craps. Then, and only then, can you can walk him through Oconomowoc. Although the mutt mitt is a good idea for those hot, humid days when you're eating a $4.00 gelatto.

Anonymous said...

Well, I actually agree with most of his arguments in these 'wonderfully made' videos, especially with what can be done with the crappy parking lot on the waterfront and the pathetic streets.

With that said, it's too bad that this guy looks, talks and makes videos like a doofus. I mean, come on.